Overseas warehouse advantage


Functions and advantages of overseas positions in the public

Cross-border electricity suppliers in the first batch of goods exported to foreign warehouses in the electronic business platform after receiving orders from overseas positions will be distributed to the local consumer goods or surrounding countries consumers. Overseas warehouse is accepted by the Internet business instruction, and then complete the customs clearance, warehousing, distribution and other services provider. Today, overseas positions have been added to a variety of services, its advantages are more significant.

1 support cross-border e-commerce boom

The development of cross-border e-commerce can not be separated from overseas warehouse this important part. The rise of overseas positions, help cross-border electricity suppliers to accelerate the sail. Multinational logistics new model to solve the development of cross-border e-commerce, logistics, cost and other kinds of prescription pain points, to encourage enterprises to go to promote the electricity supplier, electricity business become more prosperous, to provide a more convenient way of life for the people of the world and Chinese, let the world enjoy the good and cheap "good products, China made". E-commerce is dependent on the network platform, the development of trade and human fine pursuit, will stimulate the electricity suppliers to cooperate more mature and stable security and speed of trade. Through overseas warehouse distribution of goods, to strengthen the joint with the overseas business platform, expand overseas marketing channels. The rapid development of overseas public warehouse is to support the development of cross-border e-commerce sword, is conducive to the use of "Internet + foreign trade to achieve better into the excellent, play the advantage of China's manufacturing industry, expanding overseas marketing channels, promoting the upgrading and transformation of foreign trade enterprises.

2 to promote the development of Chinese brands and products

In the traditional export mode, the channel has been firmly in the hands of foreign trading companies. For enterprises, overseas warehouse construction is conducive to reducing costs. The traditional export model need to go through the three links of foreign importers, foreign wholesalers, foreign retailers in order to deliver the product to the consumer. Intermediate links are often three or four times the price increase.

The emergence of overseas positions, bringing a transit point for cross-border trade, manufacturers face consumers through the network platform. Overseas warehouse can support for export enterprises in the bulk of the goods sent to overseas warehouse, not only to expand the product category, save logistics costs and time, but also to reduce intermediate links, to achieve online sales, local delivery. Overseas warehouse import and export two-way linkage development, leading enterprises directly into the overseas marketing channels to promote the internationalization of the brand, to achieve product pricing rights in overseas markets, brand rights, the right to voice the trinity. At the same time, overseas positions in charge of customs clearance, warehousing, distribution, exhibition and other remote services, greatly helping enterprises to solve the worries.

Overseas warehouse model to start, to protect the cross-border trade electricity suppliers, the development of electric commerce greatly enhance the exit rate and exposure of Chinese products, and promote foreign consumers to the Chinese brand awareness. Overseas positions forced domestic manufacturers to establish a true sense of service, brand awareness, quality awareness, customer first awareness. To Chinese brand product development, to accelerate the implementation of "build Belt and Road Initiative" national strategy, promote the upgrading of the development of an open economy.

3 overseas positions in the public advantage

Despite the rapid development of cross-border electricity supplier, but the goods delivery time, the package cannot track the entire process, damage or loss, does not support the return or return, customer service service difficulty. This is the pain point for businesses or consumers.

In contrast, professional, systematic, intelligent public overseas positions can not only break the barriers, and even more can help.

(1) saving 30-50% logistics cost. Goods from a single international express instead of bulk sent to overseas positions, the realization of the local logistics and distribution, without the need for enterprises to hire staff management.

(2) faster ageing. Batch send, a declaration easier and convenient. After the arrival of the goods, the overseas warehouse to help solve the customs clearance, logistics and other issues, domestic and overseas to improve the aging.

(3) intelligent warehousing services, the use of internet order processing is more convenient, overseas warehouses accept settled business orders, orders and shipments synchronization, automated batch processing orders. At the same time, inventory management and inventory is more clear, monthly sales and inventory system automatically shows, and each order of logistics costs at a glance.

(4) management specialization. Public overseas positions must have a professional operations team, handling customs clearance, warehousing, order, logistics, crisis, and so on. Can even help manufacturers docking supermarkets and retail stores.

(5) the use of the Internet and overseas positions, with minimum cost, shortest time, attention to product quality, expand the layout of overseas markets, create brand products, to achieve overseas market product pricing and brand right, right three-in-one.

In summary, the public overseas warehouse inherent to reduce logistics costs and enhance efficiency, improve both the experience and other advantages, and mutual support and promote the development of cross-border electricity supplier Chinese brand products to expand the function of the market and become the industry darling and government support object is the inevitable product of cross-border trade development to today.
